Making a Transformative Difference

February 1, 2023

Fulcrum’s Tuition Assistance Grant Program (TAP) makes a transformative difference in the lives of students and families in Catholic schools. Discover the difference Fulcrum support makes in the words of four Fulcrum TAP grant recipients at St. Francis of Assisi School. 

The McNairs

“The Fulcrum grant goes a long way for people who want to give their kids an amazing education, but can’t necessarily afford it. Thank you for your support. All of this is for the kids. You might not understand what it’s doing, but you are really helping out. I know St. Francis because I went there. I know the education and the community, and I know it will develop my kids the right way. I just want to give a huge thank you to Fulcrum supporters. The donations go a long, long way. Even if you don’t see it right away.” 

The Attlesons

“We feel fortunate to receive a grant from the Fulcrum Foundation. Easing financial stress and being able to provide not only an academic, but social and cultural education for our son and others will ensure their future success. We feel that this grant allows us to focus more on [our son’s] education and gives us the opportunity to be more involved in his education.” 

The Caos

“We are so appreciative and thankful for this program. You have helped us a lot. Since I put my son in St. Francis, I can see this big change in him. He has a great teacher who teaches my son how to be responsible and respectful and so many things that we want for him. We want our kids to learn from this example of giving back to the community. I always tell my son, when you grow up and have the ability to help others, you have to pass it along.” 

The Hardens

“Being part of such a loving and caring community has helped guide my daughter into becoming a kind, bright, and adventurous young lady. Without the assistance, I would not be able to send her to St. Francis. I am so grateful for all of the donors and their amazing generosity. I never thought I would ask for help from other people, but I have learned through all of this that we are a community that works together for the good of everyone.”