Revitalizing Schools
Today, Catholic schools lift up new generations of students—from richly diverse backgrounds—to reach their highest potential. They do this better than any other system of schools, providing a foundation for success that cannot be found anywhere else.
These Catholic schools are at the very heart of the Church, and those that serve children and families in the greatest need face mounting challenges.
Catholic schools need and deserve the support of the entire community now more than ever. Fulcrum and the Office for Catholic Schools are working to proactively identify the most vulnerable schools, forging multi-year partnerships that will place these schools back on a solid path toward financial health and strength for the next 150 years.
For over 150 years, Catholic schools have opened doorways for children & families in the Archdiocese of Seattle—doorways out of poverty and into prosperity, out of despair and toward hope.

Father Michael Radermacher
Pastor All Saints Parish
Puyallup, WA

Catholic schools are an essential ministry of the Church, they add vibrancy and vitality to the parish community, and are one of the most effective tools of evangelization the Church has known.