Seeking What is Good, True, and Beautiful 

January 17, 2024

This article is from the Fulcrum Foundation 2023 Community Report.

St. Mark Catholic Classical School is always striving to serve the community. 

“St. Mark Catholic Classical School was formed to be a mission for the parish and support for parents in the raising of Catholic children,” said Kathy Keck, principal of St. Mark. “Classical education always seeks what is good, true, and beautiful, recognizing that God is truly at the center of everything.” 

The Fulcrum Foundation offered support of this mission through its School Partnership Grant Program, providing funds for much-needed technology upgrades. Through the Fulcrum grant, St. Mark purchased new projectors for classrooms and desktop computers for student workstations. 

“St. Mark would not be able to afford upgrades without the support of donors,” said Kathy. “In the last ten years, the school has been granted money for laptops, desktop computers, campus security, curriculum, upgraded cabling, and a sound system…The school has been blessed by the grants received and the money has been spent to enhance and support the students who attend the school.” 

Fulcrum grants given through the School Partnership Grant Program often help schools meet critical needs for students, educators, and staff—benefitting the entire school community.  

“Technology is a tool for use in the building,” Kathy explained. “The students learn to keyboard starting in second grade and are introduced to Windows and its applications to enhance their learning. Students learn to create and manipulate a Word document, PowerPoint presentations, Publisher, and Excel. They learn to research and compile information for their papers. Using current technology enriches the learning of all students.”  

“I am personally grateful for the continued support of the Fulcrum Foundation,” Kathy continued. “The donors make all of this possible for schools the size of St. Mark Catholic Classical School. Our school serves a population which is both economically and culturally diverse with many Eastern Orthodox and Catholic students. The grants provide much-needed support to the school: supporting parents as first educators, teaching the gospel of Jesus, forming Disciples of Christ, serving the community, and providing an excellent education that fulfills the mission of the parish and school.”  

Download the 2023 Community Report