Onward Strong!

September 1, 2021

The Annual Drive 2021/22 is here! Each year, the Annual Drive raises funds in support of Fulcrum’s essential programs, including tuition assistance, school partnership grants, and leadership training grants.

Fulcrum’s mission to support schools, students, and educators is only possible with partners like you. Last year, our community showed that we were stronger together, meeting the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic head-on and making sure that students and schools still had access to Fulcrum’s programs exactly when they needed them most.

This year, we are pushing onward into the bright future that your support has helped create. Your donations will change lives, giving students access to a Catholic education where academic excellence, social justice, and service to others are integral parts of the learning experience.

“The impact the Fulcrum donors make truly does change the world,” said Tuan Nguyen, a former Fulcrum tuition assistance recipient. “With the Catholic school background, I was able to succeed in college and graduate with a degree in engineering. Now, I am designing and improving our roadway infrastructure as a transportation engineer.”

Help us build a better and stronger future for the 20,000 students and 72 Catholic schools in Western Washington. You can donate online at FulcrumFoundation.org/donation.

Thank you for standing with the children and families served by Fulcrum!

For questions, contact us at info@fulcrumfoundation.org