Mission Moment: Realizing the Hope of a Catholic Education

March 28, 2019

Fulcrum recently mailed tuition assistance grant award letters for the 2019-20 school year totaling over $2 million to students across the archdiocese. Every year when award letters are mailed, phone calls and letters of gratitude pour in.

“I want to take a moment and thank you from this mother’s heart for your generous contribution to my children’s faith and education. You have been there for us in the hardest of times, and what it means to me is immeasurable. You have fulfilled my goal of giving my children a Catholic education on a strong foundation, rich in tradition. When the reality of my being able to provide that for them myself crumbled, the Fulcrum Foundation stepped in financially,” wrote one mother of Fulcrum tuition assistance recipients.

She went on to share about the successes her students have celebrated thanks in large part to their Catholic education.

“Thank you for all the work that goes into this program. Needing help is painful, it is humiliating and it has been hard, but the rewards of seeing my kids happy, healthy and achieving makes me know that staying true to my purpose as their parent has been worth it. A thousand thank you’s for standing by us and pushing us forward. Thank you for not giving up,” she concluded.

The generosity of Fulcrum’s many donors makes these grants possible. They help families realize the hope of a Catholic education for their students, many of whom would not be able to afford tuition otherwise. These students represent our future community change agents and world leaders; the impact of their Catholic education will be felt for generations to come.