Gratitude for the Gift of a Catholic Education

May 3, 2018

Your generosity changes not just the lives of Fulcrum Scholars, but these students’ experiences in Catholic schools impact their families, as well as build dynamic and rich school communities. Hear from a few of these grateful scholars and those that work with them.

“How can I begin to thank you for your help over so many years? You have been a huge gift to my family in keeping me at my school. It has been a great school and now I am ready to start a new chapter, meet different teachers and make new friends.” 
–a graduating 8th grader at St. Francis of Assisi School, Burien; attending Kennedy Catholic High School in fall 2018

“Catholic education has changed my life in many ways. It didn’t just give me a wonderful education which I am blessed to have; It also helped strengthen my relationship with God because St. Bernadette is very involved in showing each and every one of their students how important it is to have God in your life.”  –graduating 8th grader from St. Bernadette Parish School, Burien

“Over the years, [this student] has expressed to us how amazing it is that people who do not even know her, would show their love for another human by sharing what they have, in order for her to fully become the person God wants her to be. You are those people. You are the ones who have set the stage and consistently been the example of true generosity. St. Francis of Assisi School will forever be grateful for you, who are Christ’s hands on earth.”  
–from a vice principal’s letter to Fulcrum donors

“Thank you. It is because of this amazing foundation that I was able to attend Holy Family for eight years. A school that has extended and excelled my education beyond what I had ever thought imaginable. This education has rewarded me with the gift of attending Bellarmine Prep. There, I hope to learn even more, to deepen my relationship with God, and eventually grow to be a contributing member of society. Your help has been extraordinarily appreciated, not only by me, but by the family I have as well. God’s Blessings.”  
–a graduating 8th grader at Holy Family Catholic School, Auburn; attending Bellarmine Preparatory School in fall 2018

“Every year I have had many conversations with our students. This year, these conversations have been focused on, ‘Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.’ (Matthew 7:7). Sometimes, for our families, the hardest thing they do is ask for assistance. Our families have asked and with the financial support from a generous Fulcrum donor, a student found the door to Kennedy Catholic open.”
-a high school principal, about a Fulcrum Scholar