Faith-Filled Hope

October 3, 2018

Lina Mantaño has always found comfort in her faith, and Catholic school has always been a priority for her family. When tragedy struck, and she found herself raising her three grandchildren, she turned to Holy Family Parish and Holy Family Bilingual Catholic School in Seattle. Lina wasn’t sure how she would make ends meet, but she knew continuing her grandchildren’s Catholic education and place in the community was necessary.

Lina turned to the school for support, and they assisted her in applying for a tuition assistance grant at Fulcrum. The three children all receive Fulcrum grants, two grandsons at Holy Family Bilingual Catholic School, and a granddaughter attending Kennedy Catholic High School. 

“Lina and her grandchildren are willing to help in any way possible to contribute to the school,” says Larkin Temme, principal. “They live just blocks away and are always present, serving during events or even riding bikes around the parking lot. Our school is their second home and we are grateful to Fulcrum for their support of our neighborhood parish families who wouldn’t otherwise have access to attend Holy Family Bilingual Catholic School.” 

Lina offered, “More than anything, I ask God that they not stray from their path. That they get ahead. I instill that they have to work for their good future.” It is not always easy, but education is a top priority for Lina, “I pull together a little here and a little there and I manage. I don’t think of it as a sacrifice and I thank God very much.”