Congratulations Tony & Michelle Audino

October 7, 2019

Congratulations to Tony and Michelle Audino (Fulcrum Chair of the Board and Fulcrum Trustee, respectively) who were bestowed the National Catholic Educational Association’s Elizabeth Ann Seton Award and recognized at the NCEA’s Seton Awards Gala and Philanthropy Symposium in Maryland on October 7, 2019.

This award is named after Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton in recognition of her lifelong dedication to teaching and is presented annually to exemplary individuals whose support and service impacts Catholic education and the well-being of our nation’s youth. Seton honorees have a scholarship presented in their honor to a deserving Catholic school student in the local community.

The following video was shown at the gala, honoring their work in Catholic education. We are grateful for all they do for Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Seattle and for the Fulcrum Foundation.