Committed to a Catholic Education

September 29, 2019

Catholic education should be available to all, regardless of ability to pay.

That’s why the Fulcrum Foundation works tirelessly to continue its mission to provide tuition assistance to the families who need it the most. The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant Program supports thousands of students in the Archdiocese of Seattle each year with tuition costs.

At St. Anthony School in Renton, Ana is a single mother with two daughters, Valerie and Victoria. Ana’s husband, Victor, passed away from cancer in 2013.

But the family’s commitment to Catholic education remained strong. “We’ve been receiving Fulcrum support for many years,” Ana said. Fulcrum has helped with tuition costs for both girls throughout their time at St. Anthony.

Remaining at St. Anthony School was important to Ana—and not just because of the education.

“We belong to the Catholic family,” Ana explained. “It is a privilege to have Catholic education for my daughters.”

Ana hopes that it is a privilege that will continue into the future. Valerie will graduate from St. Anthony at the end of this school year.

“Having Fulcrum’s support is extremely helpful to me. Otherwise, I couldn’t make it,” Ana said. “I can’t say thank you enough to Fulcrum for all these years of supporting my family.”