Mission Moment: Our Work Continues

April 2, 2020

From Vivian Shannon, Executive Director

We hope this First Friday Update finds you and your families safe, healthy, and adapting in these uncertain times. Please know that we are thinking of and remembering you all in our prayers.

Even as the COVID-19 crisis changes our world, people have stepped up to the challenge, helped those around them, and found new ways to forge ahead.

Our dedicated Fulcrum team has gone fully remote—including our meetings with staff and our board. We have forwarded our phones, explored new facets of Microsoft Teams and Zoom, and set up times to check our mail at the office while maintaining safe social distancing practices.

On March 17, I held a videoconference with the Fulcrum Executive Committee in a special session to discuss Fulcrum’s response to COVID-19. We are paying close attention to the developing needs of the schools and seeking the best placement of our resources so that as many people can benefit as possible. We will need your ongoing support during these uncertain times so please be on the lookout for an announcement on how you can help very soon.

After listening in on regional meetings with the principals of the archdiocese and the Superintendent for Catholic Schools, Kristin Dixon, I am blown away by the inspiring efforts of our teachers and administrators.

All 73 schools in the archdiocese are up and running remotely. The teachers are tirelessly creating new lesson formats and working over-time to learn new technologies because of their commitment to Catholic education.

The result is that our Catholic students are not only still learning—they are thriving. From preschool to high school, the archdiocesan schools are serving the needs of all students, regardless of economic standing.

Because of our generous supporters, Fulcrum’s work over the last few years has helped make all this possible. Whether through school partnership grants that put tablets and laptops in the hands of teachers and students, or our Building Leadership Capacity programs which have been foundational in preparing our school leaders for this moment, Fulcrum’s programs have been an integral part of the schools’ quick crisis response.

But the need will continue and so our mission carries on. We will find our way through these difficult times as we do all things at Fulcrum:


We could not do it without you.

May you all experience a deeply meaningful Holy Week and accept our best wishes for a very Happy Easter.